What is MENTIS?

Mentis is an information system for neurocognitive rehabilitation and dementia prevention for people with memory impairment. A system for improving the quality of life of older people, their relatives and friends.

Mentis is an information system for supporting and making professional decisions about the state and development of cognitive functions based on individual testing. The results of testing a specific patient can complement the results of cognitive health and influence the choice of professional decisions for more effective provision of psychological and medical care, prevention and rehabilitation of patients with memory impairment.

IS "Mentis" is intended for diagnosis, development and remote monitoring of cognitive functions of patients. The program is designed for doctors and psychologists to make the patient treatment process more successful. It is important for us to use a modern digital cognitive health monitoring system as an effective treatment tool.

IS "Mentis"
  • Offers a modern, universal, accessible mechanism that ensures the organization of interaction between the patient and specialists (psychologists and doctors).
  • Provides the ease of use of advanced neuropsychological techniques for diagnosis, rehabilitation, habilitation and prevention of dementia and other cognitive impairments.
  • Ensures effective interaction of all project participants through process automation, prompt exchange of information and technological data processing.

Chereneva Elena

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,

Head of the Department of Special Psychology of KSPU named after. V.P. Astafiev

Head of the Mentis project.

Specialist in neurocognitive disorders in children and adults, clinical psychologist

Mentis users
Who will benefit from the information system?
  • elderly people with memory problems, adolescents with impaired memory functions and its development in adolescence, people with impaired memory functions due to injuries, who have suffered complex infectious diseases,
  • relatives and friends of patients with memory problems,
  • experts, psychologists, doctors, graduate students, interns, students, volunteers working in the healthcare system,
  • professional communities and organizations interested in assessing and adjusting the mental and psychological health of employees.
Cognitive training
Test yourself now
Questionnaire for dating
Computerized online questionnaire
Fill in your information. This is necessary for a correct assessment of your cognitive abilities and/or impairments
Our areas of activity
"The most advanced and in demand is our brain, its potential and health"
Mentis Clinic of Memory
Mentis Clinic of Memory – an environment for comprehensive support for the cognitive health of patients with cognitive impairment
Psy-Campus is an environment of educational programs for specialists accompanying patients with cognitive impairments, researchers (graduate students, doctoral students), students, volunteers and other professionals.
Psy-Business – programs to support and improve the cognitive skills of business employees.