Neurocognitive tests

This is a professional program consisting of a series of tests and exercises aimed at quickly and accurately detecting and assessing the signs, symptoms and dysfunctions of cognitive processes associated with aging.
We have developed a battery of Mentis neurocognitive tests for people over 50 years old. This is a professional program consisting of a series of tests and exercises aimed at the rapid and accurate detection and assessment of signs, symptoms and dysfunctions of cognitive processes associated with aging.

Mentis tests are an additional tool of the doctor in assessing the cognitive functions of the patient.
This innovative online test for people over 50 years old is a scientific resource that allows you to conduct a comprehensive cognitive screening, find out the strengths and weaknesses of cognitive sides and assess the risk index of the presence of any age-related cognitive disorder. Any private or professional user can easily apply this battery of neuropsychological tests.

At the end of the test, which takes about 13-16 minutes, a report on the results becomes available automatically.

Over time, the work of our brain becomes less efficient, which is why it is so important to keep your mind in good shape. After a certain age, it is recommended to undergo neuropsychological testing - both to assess the general state of cognitive abilities, and to identify the possible presence of cognitive symptoms and complaints related to cognitive impairment. Important: This comprehensive cognitive test is recommended to be used in addition to professional diagnostics, and not as a substitute for it.

Digital protocol of the Mentis neurocognitive test for people over 50 years old
This comprehensive online neuropsychological testing tool for people over 55 years old consists of a battery of tests. Tasks and tests are designed to quickly and accurately determine and evaluate the functioning of brain functions associated with aging.

The user taking this test should answer an initial questionnaire assessing signs and symptoms taking into account age, and then automatically proceed to perform a series of validated tasks and exercises presented in the form of simple computer games.

A questionnaire is developed on the basis of special diagnostic criteria.

A series of questions with simple answers is presented, the purpose of which is to assess the general state of the brain, as well as the degree of human well-being in various areas of health (physical, psychological and social well-being). We also identify the risks of dementia in the patient and give recommendations for further action.

Neuropsychological factors and cognitive profile

The test continues with a battery of items designed to assess the basic neuropsychological factors identified in the scientific literature as criteria for cognitive impairment associated with aging. This takes into account short-term, long-term and working memory, attention, coordination, etc. Scales and tests are used in accordance with the age of the user.

At the end of the test, the patient will receive a full and detailed results report, which will reflect the risk index for any age-related cognitive problems (low-average-high), warning signs and symptoms, cognitive profile, analysis of results, tips and recommendations. Test results provide valuable information that will inform the development of intervention strategies and assist the practitioner in further testing and more detailed examination of each case.

The test continues with a battery of tasks designed to evaluate the main neuropsychological factors defined in the scientific literature as criteria for cognitive disorders associated with aging. This takes into account short-term, long-term and working memory, attention, coordination, etc. Scales and tests are used according to the age of the user.