Take the test

This is a trial test system that allows you to assess your condition. We invite you to complete a number of tests and exercises completely free of charge.
How it works
Select a test and read the test instructions carefully
Complete a sample task to understand the testing process
Take the test
Take the test with the desire to show the best result
Get the result
Wait for the result of your testing
Here are standard instructions for the test. In each exercise you will have similar instructions, which you need to read carefully and only after that proceed to the test task.
  • 1
    Cognitive abilities tested:
    Inhibition, monitoring, visual perception, verbal and abstract memory, speed and time of information processing.
  • 2
    Approximately 60-210 seconds.
  • 3
    Press or don't press the space bar (the on-screen button on touch devices) once it is determined whether the color name matches the color it is written in or not.
  • 4
    Instructions for the task:
    The name of the color (for example, "black") is displayed on the screen and can be written in the same color (for example, "black") or in a different color (for example, "blue"). If the name of the color and the color of the word are the same (the word "black" is written in black), the user must press the spacebar (or a button on the screen, in the case of using a touch screen), and in the opposite case (the word "black" is written in blue), the user must not perform no action.
Don’t worry, before the main testing you will go through a trial exercise and after completing it you will be offered the main test. When you're ready, press the button.